Show/Hide index page number -> what's the meaning?

Started by dibu, 13 May 2023, 09:17:44

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if I want to register a new book, there is a field, named "Num. page index" with the description: "Show/Hide index page number". I don't know what's the meaning of it. Show/Hide-format normally is a boolean, but it seems to be a number. For example: a book with 189 pages and index at page 190. Is it meant to insert "190"?
best regards

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Hi dibu,
the "Num. page index" is useful when you insert to the book only a chapter of a book. The "Num. page index" is the page number index of that chapter.
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
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