4.0.3 Beta possible bug

Started by mtn, 23 June 2024, 16:08:24

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After trying for hours to import a CSV file in the beta, I downgraded to 4.0.2 and successfully imported the same CSV file. I'm sorry but I couldn't find any log that displayed the actual Mysql error that prevented 4.0.3 from importing.
(I should mention that I did export the CSV file first, and used that as a template--as well as the samples files-- to import)

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I'm sorry to have wasted your time, but after more testing I found that the successful CSV import was a fluke. I'm now concentrating on the possibility of mandatory values-- fields which cannot be left NULL.


Hi mtn,
keep in mind that import/export tool works within the same Abook version.
Some fields as "metadesc", "metadata" and "params" may be cause problems because they contain characters that could interfere with the csv structure. I suggest to left this fields empty.
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