Link Open in a new window.

Started by sumondey187873, 27 July 2012, 13:13:10

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Book Link open in same window(External url).
But I want to Book in a new window .
How to change Link Normal to Do-follow .

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9


Hi sumondey187873,
which version of Abook are you using?
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
Informatizzati [url=""][/url]
Stacca la spina [url=""][/url]


Alexandria Book >com_abook_2_0_3
Joomla >2.6


You can modify <your_site>/components/com_abook/views/book/tmpl/default.php row 134

target="_blank" inside tag <a href...

<a target="_blank" href...
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
Informatizzati [url=""][/url]
Stacca la spina [url=""][/url]

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9


I don't understand your comment. help me please !
I open default.php row 134

I see

<label><?php echo JText::_('COM_ABOOK_LINK');?>: </label><a href="<?php echo $this->book->url;?>"><img src="/components/com_abook/assets/images/link/<?php echo $this->params->get('linkimage');?>" alt="<?php echo JText::_('COM_ABOOK_LINK');?>" /> <?php echo $this->book->url_label;?></a>

know what should I do?


Hi sumondey187873,
You need to add the words written in red.
<label><?php echo JText::_('COM_ABOOK_LINK');?>: </label><a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $this->book->url;?>"><img src="/components/com_abook/assets/images/link/<?php echo $this->params->get('linkimage');?>" alt="<?php echo JText::_('COM_ABOOK_LINK');?>" /> <?php echo $this->book->url_label;?></a>
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
Informatizzati [url=""][/url]
Stacca la spina [url=""][/url]



i have same problem
i modified <your_site>/components/com_abook/views/book/tmpl/default.php but "read only" is coming

i have Alexandria Book >com_abook_2_0_3 version and joomla version is 1.6

can you please reply