BUG in showing image cover in backend

Started by XaRz, 20 March 2012, 17:01:42

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hi all.

Test this:
Insert new book
Insert new cover using joomla media upload (images/cover_name.jpg)


The cover only showing in the module frontend site.
Cover not showing in control panel/books
Cover not showing in the detail view when you click the cover in the module frontend.

Sugestion: Path problem!

My joomla site uses a folder (I'm using MAMP PRO for developing the sites). Example:


MAMP site config:

dev.joomla-site1.com       /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/joomla-site1
dev.joomla-site2.com       /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/joomla-site2

When I copy the cover image direction it's looking the image in "images/coverimage.jpg"...when It must be "joomla-site1"/images/coverimage.jpg"

I hope that with this tips...you can find the bug :)


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