Multiple PHP errors in admin view "Categories" and user-view "Books"

Started by logvynenko_oo, 14 March 2012, 10:15:11

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If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9



I'am using Joomla 2.5 on localhost Wamp Server 2.2 - had PHP errors with Alexandria Library 2.0.2 extention.

Then tried clean install Joomla 1.7, adding fresh Alexandria Library 2.0.2 extention - same PHP errors:

On Administration> Components> Alexandria Book Library> Control Panel> Categories
( ! ) Notice: Undefined property: AbookViewCategories::$item in D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\views\categories\view.html.php on line 54
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0006   697648   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.1344   7108096   JAdministrator->dispatch( )   ..\index.php:47
3   0.1425   7617008   JComponentHelper::renderComponent( )   ..\application.php:153
4   0.1542   7726040   require_once( 'D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\abook.php' )   ..\helper.php:156
5   0.1608   8150648   JController->execute( )   ..\abook.php:30
6   0.1608   8150728   AbookController->display( )   ..\controller.php:684
7   0.1616   8191936   JController->display( )   ..\controller.php:33
8   0.1773   9427264   AbookViewCategories->display( )   ..\controller.php:650
9   0.1877   9693528   AbookViewCategories->addToolbar( )   ..\view.html.php:47

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\views\categories\view.html.php on line 54
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0006   697648   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.1344   7108096   JAdministrator->dispatch( )   ..\index.php:47
3   0.1425   7617008   JComponentHelper::renderComponent( )   ..\application.php:153
4   0.1542   7726040   require_once( 'D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\abook.php' )   ..\helper.php:156
5   0.1608   8150648   JController->execute( )   ..\abook.php:30
6   0.1608   8150728   AbookController->display( )   ..\controller.php:684
7   0.1616   8191936   JController->display( )   ..\controller.php:33
8   0.1773   9427264   AbookViewCategories->display( )   ..\controller.php:650
9   0.1877   9693528   AbookViewCategories->addToolbar( )   ..\view.html.php:47

( ! ) Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$created_user_id in D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\views\categories\tmpl\default.php on line 99
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0006   697648   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.1344   7108096   JAdministrator->dispatch( )   ..\index.php:47
3   0.1425   7617008   JComponentHelper::renderComponent( )   ..\application.php:153
4   0.1542   7726040   require_once( 'D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\abook.php' )   ..\helper.php:156
5   0.1608   8150648   JController->execute( )   ..\abook.php:30
6   0.1608   8150728   AbookController->display( )   ..\controller.php:684
7   0.1616   8191936   JController->display( )   ..\controller.php:33
8   0.1773   9427264   AbookViewCategories->display( )   ..\controller.php:650
9   0.1900   9767432   JView->display( )   ..\view.html.php:48
10   0.1900   9767432   JView->loadTemplate( )   ..\view.php:180
11   0.1925   9931752   include( 'D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\views\categories\tmpl\default.php' )   ..\view.php:582

( ! ) Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$editor in D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\views\categories\tmpl\default.php on line 109
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0006   697648   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.1344   7108096   JAdministrator->dispatch( )   ..\index.php:47
3   0.1425   7617008   JComponentHelper::renderComponent( )   ..\application.php:153
4   0.1542   7726040   require_once( 'D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\abook.php' )   ..\helper.php:156
5   0.1608   8150648   JController->execute( )   ..\abook.php:30
6   0.1608   8150728   AbookController->display( )   ..\controller.php:684
7   0.1616   8191936   JController->display( )   ..\controller.php:33
8   0.1773   9427264   AbookViewCategories->display( )   ..\controller.php:650
9   0.1900   9767432   JView->display( )   ..\view.html.php:48
10   0.1900   9767432   JView->loadTemplate( )   ..\view.php:180
11   0.1925   9931752   include( 'D:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_abook\views\categories\tmpl\default.php' )   ..\view.php:582

On Library page(visible to a coomon user), assigned to a menu item everything shows fine, but when I select a category, following PHP errors occur on the page:
( ! ) Notice: Use of undefined constant JPATH_COMPONENT - assumed 'JPATH_COMPONENT' in D:\wamp\www\components\com_abook\router.php on line 12
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0012   694896   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.2248   6700752   JSite->route( )   ..\index.php:37
3   0.2248   6700752   JApplication->route( )   ..\application.php:140
4   0.2324   7399016   JRouterSite->parse( )   ..\application.php:242
5   0.2331   7400384   JRouter->parse( )   ..\router.php:77
6   0.2331   7400592   JRouterSite->_parseSefRoute( )   ..\router.php:134
7   0.2398   7777248   require_once( 'D:\wamp\www\components\com_abook\router.php' )   ..\router.php:267

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: offset in D:\wamp\www\components\com_abook\views\category\view.html.php on line 77
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0012   694896   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.2543   8315288   JSite->dispatch( )   ..\index.php:43
3   0.2652   8782312   JComponentHelper::renderComponent( )   ..\application.php:191
4   0.2742   8850256   require_once( 'D:\wamp\www\components\com_abook\abook.php' )   ..\helper.php:156
5   0.2816   9331600   JController->execute( )   ..\abook.php:30
6   0.2817   9331680   AbookController->display( )   ..\controller.php:684
7   0.2817   9331776   JController->display( )   ..\controller.php:29
8   0.2974   10366816   AbookViewCategory->display( )   ..\controller.php:650

slug, $item->slugcat));?>
( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: link in D:\wamp\www\components\com_abook\views\category\tmpl\default_items.php on line 30
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0012   694896   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.2543   8315288   JSite->dispatch( )   ..\index.php:43
3   0.2652   8782312   JComponentHelper::renderComponent( )   ..\application.php:191
4   0.2742   8850256   require_once( 'D:\wamp\www\components\com_abook\abook.php' )   ..\helper.php:156
5   0.2816   9331600   JController->execute( )   ..\abook.php:30
6   0.2817   9331680   AbookController->display( )   ..\controller.php:684
7   0.2817   9331776   JController->display( )   ..\controller.php:29
8   0.2974   10366816   AbookViewCategory->display( )   ..\controller.php:650
9   0.3385   11374528   JView->display( )   ..\view.html.php:92
10   0.3385   11374528   JView->loadTemplate( )   ..\view.php:180
11   0.3407   11455528   include( 'D:\wamp\www\components\com_abook\views\category\tmpl\default.php' )   ..\view.php:582
12   0.3517   11548552   JView->loadTemplate( )   ..\default.php:47
13   0.3540   11647728   include( 'D:\wamp\www\components\com_abook\views\category\tmpl\default_items.php' )   ..\view.php:582

Waiting for suggestions how to fix those issues.

Thanks in advance.

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9


Hi logvynenko_oo,
this are a notices only, they aren't errors.
I will fix this bugs in the next version.
If you want hide this notices you have to change the value of "Error Reporting" parameter (Global Configuration->server->Server Settings) from "Maximum" to "system default".

If you like Abook could write a review on, I appreciate it so much. Thanks.
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
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Quote from: federica on 14 March 2012, 18:06:28
Hi logvynenko_oo,
this are a notices only, they aren't errors.
I will fix this bugs in the next version.
If you want hide this notices you have to change the value of "Error Reporting" parameter (Global Configuration->server->Server Settings) from "Maximum" to "system default".

If you like Abook could write a review on, I appreciate it so much. Thanks.

Hi, federica.

Thank you for a quick reply.

Your advice did not help(it already was "system default"), but turning off all PHP errors on the Wamp-server helps indeed.

Not a good workaround, however, your extension is the only one free and functional i found - please continue developing it for Joomla 2.5!

Left a review on, as you asked.


Thanks a lot.
I already fixed this problem in my project. I will publish a new version as soon as possible.

Bye bye
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
Informatizzati [url=""][/url]
Stacca la spina [url=""][/url]

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9