Errors in Google Rich Results Test

Started by sertlan, 13 April 2024, 15:54:45

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Errors in Google Rich Results Test on the Category page, Author page and Tag page, where the rating is shown:

  • Invalid object type for field "itemReviewed"
  • Review has multiple aggregate ratings
  • Missing reviewed item name

Test result:

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
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Hi, Federica.

Is it possible to hide the rating on the Category page, Author page and Tag page?


Hi sertlan,
go to Alexandria Book Library Configuration, tab "Extra", change "Rating/#users" to "no". Check the "Rating/#users" is set to "no" also in the Abook menu item configuration.
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
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Hi, Federica.

Is it possible to hide the rating on the Category page, Author page and Tag page, but not on the Book page?

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9


But it is better to remove structured data on the Category page, Author page and Tag page.


Yes, you are right, in the list view it is better to remove review rating structured data.
I will publish it to the next Abook version.
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
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