I would like to customize the displaying of all the books in a category.

Started by Muecke, 27 February 2012, 15:38:08

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I would like to customize the displaying of all the books in a category.
Currently there siht as on Figure 1.
But would like the presentation will be shown how to figure 2.

Can this be done and if so how?

Pic 1: http://muecke.square7.ch/Bildschirmfoto%202012-02-27%20um%2015.17.30.png
Pic 2: http://muecke.square7.ch/Bildschirmfoto%202012-02-27%20um%2015.17.45.png


ich möchte die Darstellen aller Bücher in einer Kategorie anpassen.
Momentan siht es wie auf Bild 1 aus.
Möchte aber das die Darstellung wie auf Bild 2 Dargestellt wird.

Kann man das machen und wenn ja wie?

Bild 1: http://muecke.square7.ch/Bildschirmfoto%202012-02-27%20um%2015.17.30.png
Bild 2: http://muecke.square7.ch/Bildschirmfoto%202012-02-27%20um%2015.17.45.png

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9


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