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Richieste (Requests) / Re: Plugin for OSMap
Last post by sertlan - 19 July 2024, 11:38:31
Now everything is all right. The "Last Modification Date" field in the site map is filled. Thank you very much.
Richieste (Requests) / Re: Plugin for OSMap
Last post by federica - 19 July 2024, 10:28:49
I'm sorry, I made a mistake with the file name of OSMap plugin 4.0.4. Please download it again.
Supporto (Support) / Re: Errors in Google Rich Resu...
Last post by sertlan - 18 July 2024, 16:08:41
But it is better to remove structured data on the Category page, Author page and Tag page.
Richieste (Requests) / Re: Plugin for OSMap
Last post by sertlan - 18 July 2024, 12:02:51
Hi Federica.

In Book Manager > Edit book, the "Date of modification" field appears and is filled in after saving, but in the site map the field is empty.
Richieste (Requests) / Re: Plugin for OSMap
Last post by federica - 17 July 2024, 18:38:33
Hi sertlan,
I added the "Modified date" field to the book and updated OSMap plugin.
If you want to try it you have to download com_abook4.0.4Beta and plg_osmap4.0.3Beta.
Then save a book and check the Modified date to OSMap.
Let me know if it is ok.
Supporto (Support) / Re: REST API
Last post by federica - 17 July 2024, 17:38:36
Hi wouterdt,
thanks for that contribute.
I never worked with the APIs but this is a great extension!

If you are agree I could add the link to your extension (with credits) to the Contribution page of Abook website.
Supporto (Support) / Re: Errors in Google Rich Resu...
Last post by sertlan - 17 July 2024, 15:42:26
Hi, Federica.

Is it possible to hide the rating on the Category page, Author page and Tag page, but not on the Book page?
Supporto (Support) / Re: Show/Hide index page numbe...
Last post by federica - 17 July 2024, 15:36:14
Hi dibu,
the "Num. page index" is useful when you insert to the book only a chapter of a book. The "Num. page index" is the page number index of that chapter.
Supporto (Support) / Re: Errors in Google Rich Resu...
Last post by federica - 17 July 2024, 15:27:50
Hi sertlan,
go to Alexandria Book Library Configuration, tab "Extra", change "Rating/#users" to "no". Check the "Rating/#users" is set to "no" also in the Abook menu item configuration.
Richieste (Requests) / Re: Introduction and Questions...
Last post by federica - 17 July 2024, 14:24:22
Hi Sebastian,
I'm happy to hear that you are trying Abook for your project.

1. Ease of Adding New Books:
I added this improvements in my develop version. I will publish them as soon as possible

2. German Translation Availability:
go to translations,
download the sample language pack then read the instructions

3. Access for External Library Workers Without Joomla Admin Access:
You have to use Joomla ACL permissions to limit the access to Abook only. See Access Control List Tutorial

4. The Lending Process:
The loan process does not handle free time slots after or before the loan period. To realize this function you need a Time Slot Manager.