Plugin for OSMap

Started by sertlan, 28 January 2024, 19:27:30

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A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9


Just noticed that the "Last Modification Date" is missing.

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9


Yes I'm aware of it. The "modified date" field does non exist in the book. I will create it as soon as possible.
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
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Hi sertlan,
I added the "Modified date" field to the book and updated OSMap plugin.
If you want to try it you have to download com_abook4.0.4Beta and plg_osmap4.0.3Beta.
Then save a book and check the Modified date to OSMap.
Let me know if it is ok.
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
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Hi Federica.

In Book Manager > Edit book, the "Date of modification" field appears and is filled in after saving, but in the site map the field is empty.

A financial contribution is greatly appreciated as a support, to help us to keep live the project.
If you like this project you can donate some piece of BitCoin to this address: bc1qy5tgq6tvrckac2a57unxvqcnxamrvhduve9sj9


I'm sorry, I made a mistake with the file name of OSMap plugin 4.0.4. Please download it again.
Al mondo ci sono 10 tipi di persone, quelli che hanno capito il codice binario e quelli che non l'hanno capito.
Informatizzati [url=""][/url]
Stacca la spina [url=""][/url]


Now everything is all right. The "Last Modification Date" field in the site map is filled. Thank you very much.